Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Foreign Holidays by Brits down

The Lady of the Villa and I have had more than the usual number of visitors this year due to the World Cup. However, generally we have noticed that the bars and restaurants are not as crowded as normal and feel that the visitor numbers are falling. this was confirmed after a scout around the internet.
Trips overseas by UK residents fell at the fastest rate on record last year as the recession slashed travel and made families opt to holiday at home. Official data released confirms the picture of what many referred to as the ‘staycation’ trend in 2009, as visits abroad fell by 15% from the year before to 58.6m. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that this was the biggest drop since records began in the 1970s.
The decline in visits abroad and to the UK in 2009 follow a long period of growth that only started to tail off in 2007. This decline in visitors will be another massive blow to the Spanish economy, if it is kept up this year. And on first hand experience it does not look good for the bars, restaurants and stores in my part of Spain.


  1. It is very bad year for the tourism business. I thought that 2009 would be the worse year and then the things will become better. I hope this crises will disappear soon

  2. With the recession still going on "Call Spain", I can only see the situation getting worse next year.

  3. I totally agree with the previous posts...
    Don`t think there's anything else to add

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