BP has been coming under some extraordinary pressure from the USA recently. To some it is well deserved, after all they have created the greatest ecological disaster the US has ever experienced. The US president has put the blame on BP and in particular Tony Haywood BP’s chief executive and Obama will ensure that they pay for the clean up and any compensation, which experts say will run into Billions and may bankrupt one of Britain's biggest companies.
Seems on the face of it quite fair.
However, if you consider the fate of Union Carbide the US company that caused the deaths of over 3,000 people in India in 1984

The then Union Carbide boss Warren Anderson was indicted but skipped his bail and resides in the USA. India have been refused permission to extradite him. The company itself paid £313 million in “full and final” settlement for this disaster. On average each victim received only £350 each.
Seems on the face of it unfair.
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