Back in the UK for a funeral. An uncle, who was a little bit older than me, and was more like an older brother, had died of Cancer.
Weeks before he died he wanted to put his affairs ‘in order’. He knew that I had done this for my mother a couple of years ago when she died and wanted me to act as his executor, but with a twist. He wanted to liquidate his assets and the before he dies give gifts to his family with some of the remainder to pay for his funeral and the residue passed on to his ex-wife.
Most of his assets were in ISA’s and savings with the Halifax. After what seemed an awful lot of form filling, identification checks, to-ing and fro-ing and I must say help from the staff in the Halifax I managed in a week to get the job done.
We then had a surreal moment when he wrote the cheques out to his grandchildren ready to pass them on ‘when the time comes’.
That time came and now as executer I must close all his accounts, pay the funeral bill and pass the remainder on to his ex-wife.
R.I.P Peter C.
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