The pool is tiled and if any of the tiling had broken it would have stopped there, however, we also have other possible ‘exits’, skimmers (which move the water towards the filter exits), the filter exits themselves and the autofill.
We checked all the tiles above the waterline and found no problems, the assumption was: as the water had stopped no tiles below the waterline were leaking. It must be one of the ‘exits’.
As luck would have it our friends and business partners from Crewe where coming over for a visit. Mr. A likes his projects and challengers and being an all round Mr. Fixit he wanted to investigate and fix.
Her had only been over a day or so when he decided, early one morning to seal all the exits and by opening them up one by one identify the leak. Here he is in the pool (which believe me was very very cold) doing the sealing.
The water was clean and blue, what you cant see is how blue Mr. Fixit is!
By a process of elimination and trial end error a few days later he had found not one but two leaks, both in the same area. It was the autofill. A low pressure leak on the pool side and a high pressure leak on the land side.
Looks OK from here but the installers (5 years ago) had made two errors that over time had caused our pool too leak and cost us about 250 euros in excess water charges.
It is advisable to do a recheck of your pool after installing from that same installer in order to avoid such minor error which leads to heavy loss and damage in future. If not possible then at least ask him to go for pool leak detection test done which is important.
ReplyDeleteHi Jimmie, thanks for the comment. We did go back to the builders, however, they have gone bust. So we were on our own. We did get a pool leak test done (160 euros) by a local pool firm. It confirmed no leaks. Biggest problem seems to be subsidence and poor quality installation. More properties are suffering pool faults on the urbanisation.