And as rich as it may sound I am one of the decision makers here. I have always bought the Times (both versions) until I moved to Spain and then I used the web site. On a Sunday I always buy the paper (£5) and its a cut down version (no magazine, not all the individual sub papers) and only very occasionally I bought the daily Times (£2.50).
So I have to make a choice pay or change a habit of a life time.
Well all I can say is I hope the new site has all all the articles that the paper has, that I can print whole pages off and none of the advertising appears. The latter hope is forlorn, its the advertising that they want, by filling in an application form and paying, then watching what I read they can pin point the advertising “I need”.
I will look at the new site, free in May and make my mind up at the last minute. The Lady of the Villa says I have already made my mind up, but, I am not sure.
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