The average price, per share, paid is 50.53 pence.
The price today is 38,69 pence showing an overall loss.
Oh dear!
I will keep you informed.
Ramblings of an Ex-Pat living in Spain.
Monday: Sunny day with a cool breeze, giving a temp of 17C. Cool overnight with a cold wind giving a temp of 12C.
Tuesday: Very warm and sunny. Temp of 19C. Cooler overnight with rain showers and a temp of 15C.
Wednesday: Overcast day with bright intervals later. Temp of 17C. Rain overnight giving a temp of 13C.
Thursday: Rain showers during an overcast day. Temp of 17C. Cool overnight with a temp of 14C.
Friday: Overcast day with no sun. Temp of 13C. Overnight cold with a temp of 10C.
Saturday: Another overcast day with showers and a temp to 11C. Overnight again cold with rain and a temp of 9C.
Sunday: Sunny day with a temp of 15C. Overnight temp of 12C.
I saw this advert on one of the Spanish TV channels. However so did some of Spain’s ‘finest’. Here is their view…..
Spanish politicians have criticised a video by the Young Socialists in Catalonia in which a woman simulates an orgasm while casting her vote. Both Socialist and opposition politicians have attacked the campaign video.
In the video the young woman gets increasingly excited as she votes for the Socialist Party in this month's regional elections in Catalonia. It concludes with the phrase, "Voting is a pleasure", after she puts her voting slip in the ballot box.
I thought it was funny!
I have just read more detail of the British team that sent send homemade aircraft to the edge of space before flying it back to Earth.
Pictured here initial launch of the plane before its 17 miles trip into the atmosphere where it captured images of the curvature of the globe using a miniature camera. The plane, which has a 3ft wing span and is made from paper straws covered in paper, was launched using nothing more powerful than a large helium balloon.
Notice it box shaped wings.
Here is a picture of the plane as it was found 100 miles from the launch site. Notice the wings are no longer box shaped,
I hope this is no hoax story!
The annual Haj haj pilgrimage in Mecca Saudia Arabia started on Sunday.
During the 1980’s I was in Saudi working as the Software Support Manager at the International Airport in Jedda. We looked after the processing of the 1million pilgrims entering the rather closed country of Saudia Arabia.
The most startling building in the airport was the Hajj Terminal. It houses, for a short time, the one million or more pilgrims who make their way to Mecca each year. The capacity of the terminal at any one time is estimated at 50'000 for a period of up to 18 hours during arrival and 80,000 for periods of up to 36 hours during departure. Roofed by a fabric tension structure that covers more area (40.5 hectares) than any roof in the world, the terminal provides toilets, shops, benches and banking facilities for the pilgrims. Twenty-one tent units, each 45 metres square, form a single module. The terminal is comprised of 10 such modules: two identical five-module sections separated by a landscaped mall.
Thus, the two large terminal units each comprise a total of 105 tents. The tents are hooked to steel rings hung from suspension cables which are draped from single pylons in the interior of the module, from ladder-like double pylons at the module edges and from four-pylon towers at the corners. The enclosed and air conditioned arrival buildings are located under the tents along the outside edge of the terminal units parallel to the aircraft aprons.
It is the brilliant structure I have ever seen.
I came across an article about the pound note recently.
The pound note, The familiar green £1 note was replaced on the 12th November 1984 (how time flies 26 years ago!) and replaced by the coins we see today.
I can remember the old £1 note as can my children but none could remember the 10 shilling (Ten bob note) a rusty red colour.
Ricky Tomlinson donated £1m to a Liverpool charity 2 years ago and its just come out.
Ricky Tomlinson has said he will not be commenting publicly about the donation
The children's charity provides overnight accommodation for families of patients staying at Alder Hey Children's Hospital. The donation has helped fund a new £1.5m unit for 15 families who need to stay for more than six months.The charity currently provides accommodation for 69 parents and families.
A true Socialist, a true Scouser and a funny guy. Defo a scally done good!