However, is in not true that older workers who do stay in their posts beyond 65 may also find themselves facing claims that they are not up to the job any more. It could lead to more employment tribunal claims from staff who believe they were sacked for being too old.
The Default Retirement Age has been challenged repeatedly in the courts by campaigners who believe it is unfair to experienced workers who may have no problems carrying out their jobs and may want to keep earning.
Government said the move is one of several being taken to help people stay in work as they live longer lives. Separately, the state pension age is due to rise to 66 as soon as 2016.
A default retirement age helps people think and plan about when it is right to retire. In certain jobs, especially physically demanding ones, working beyond 65 is not going to be possible for everyone.
We retired “early”, because we planned it that way and we enjoy our life in retirement. Some people, the minority in my opinion want to carry on regardless of age, thinking that they are immortal and their decision processes are infallible. They are causing the problem and the government are jumping on the bandwagon to help reduce their pension burden.
Can you really see Social workers at 70 helping teenagers? Could the teenagers relate to them? No way.
70 year old police on the beat? You have to take your test again at 70!
Heavy lifting jobs at 70? Laughable to most. Collecting Job seekers allowance at 65? A joke.
Its all about baby boomers, we paid for our mums and dads government pensions, there is no one to pay ours, so lets abandon it. Work until you die then they dont have to pay!
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