This is a rant. But I would like to make it clear that in no way do I blame John Lennon for the state of the airport, the quality of staff, the organisation or the amenities of the airport that bears his name.
We used Liverpool Airport to come back to Spain and what an shambolic experience that was. In hindsight its the access and egress to the building that is wrong. Most airports are double deckers, one for arrivals and one for departures with separate access roads. LJL is a double decker but only one access road. Consequently you have to use stairs to get to the next level after booking in.
You wind you way around a building site saying “Making the airport for you’ or some such drivel. The improvement cost is £17 million and what are they improving – the shops! Having arrived at the first security check it was chaos, the previous days cancelled flights (because of the volcano in Iceland) passengers were being turned back because of ‘incorrect documents’, however as they were trying to explain, but to no avail, that was all the booking in people in the hall below were giving them. A case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing.
Having shown our passports and boarding documentation were were put in a line that lead down the steps. This was very inconvenient as we had a wheel chair user with us! Finding the lift behind a hoarding we descended one flight. We were now on the same level as the booking hall!
We waited in the queue for one of the 5 x-ray machines, not complaining just following the jobs worth’s orders. Do not do so risked ejection from the airport, and boy did they look like they wanted to use it. The security hall must have been a night mare to work in, low ceilings, no real light, no air conditioning. I wanted out asap and I was only passing through. It was slow going, everybody had to remove shoes, empty pockets and remove belts and every seconded person was being hand searched as they set off the x-ray machine, In the meantime the bags were stacking up on the conveyor belt x-ray. It was appalling, hot and in some cases degrading as people dressed and undressed. God only knows what it is going to be like in the holiday period. Note to self- consider Manchester next time.
Having got through security we had a two hour wait. Oh Joy! Arriving at a vey large bar area and having managed to get 4 chairs for an empty table from people who were using the chairs to rest bags on! I went to the bar. It had 4 counters set out in a square with two people behind the bar it took ages to get the attention of the bar staff and only after I stopped two people from ‘jumping the queue’.
The bar staff spoke basic English, two pints yes understood, 2 apple juice no way, eventually pointing and directing the bar person got the job done. Food, no chance at this bar! Can’t we employ people who speak English in an English bar, can we not have more than two when without doubt the bar was built for 4 staff, never mind glass collectors and cleaners. The tables were littered with glasses paper plates etc. Awful.
Off I went and joined another queue at what I can only describe as a canteen. Selecting sandwiches (which were not too bad for the price) I came to the pay desk, “No price on this” she said, “Sorry” I said “I am a customer and did not label them”. She stared at me and I stared right back! No way was she moving and no way was I. Eventually she charged me the same price for each of the four, which was OK by me as three had prices on that were more than she charged.
Service – Its a joke - The John Lennon Airport motto.
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