The whole town had taken part in the event and all the stall holders had dressed up for the part. You could purchase some Medieval fancy dress yourself if you wanted as you can see from the next picture.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Medieval Market
Saturday, 27 February 2010
In a recent survey, carried out by a financial services company, it was surprising to find that 74 per cent of those living in Spain have considered moving back to the UK . The reasons is the economic crisis which has meant falling property prices, a weak pound, and fears over job security which has made those living in Spain rethink the move.
Britons living in Spain have suffered the most financially, especially those relying on a pension from the UK, with four in five complaining that the drop in the value of the pound against the euro has left them a lot worse off. Brits living in Spain are particularly affected by the struggling property market as many own more than one place and have in the past been able to rent it out without too much difficulty.
Now with many more properties available, the incomes have dropped and there are less people around looking to rent. People who own property abroad have seen the problem compounded by a dramatic fall in the real estate market, particularly in Spain , where prices on the Costas have dropped as much as 65 per cent in some place but seem to have bottomed out and are slowly creeping up.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Hillsbourogh Panel meets for first time in Liverpool
A group set up to study secret documents relating to the Hillsborough tragedy is meeting for the first time.
The Hillsborough Independent Panel is being headed by the Bishop of Liverpool the Right Rev James Jones.
It will oversee public disclosure of the documents after first letting the victims' families know their content.
Ninety-six fans were crushed to death at the Sheffield stadium on 15 April 1989 during Liverpool 's FA Cup semi-final tie with Nottingham Forest .
The seven other panel members include Paul Leighton, former deputy chief constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and broadcaster Peter Sissons.
The panel will spend two years reading thousands of documents detailing the events which led to the disaster. They have been held by South Yorkshire Police for the past 20 years. They contain evidence from the ambulance service, the police, the fire service, coroner and Sheffield City Council. The documents in their entirety have not been read by anyone outside the police force before. The government promised in July last year to release documents relating to the events of the day.
The Hillsborough families have been consulted throughout the process of establishing the panel, which is meeting in Liverpool .
Hillsborough Family Support Group chair Margaret Aspinall said: "We welcome the panel, which has the confidence of all interested parties and is felt capable of executing this very important task."
I was there the day of the disaster. Never have I seen such incompetence by the police. I was lucky, I avoided their advice, nearly got arrested for doing so, but survived.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
EEC Countries
Austria 1 January 1995
Belgium 25 March 1957
Bulgaria 1 January 2007
Cyprus 1 May 2004
Czech 1 May 2004
Denmark 1 January 1973
Estonia 1 May 2004
Finland 1 January 1995
France 25 March 1957
Germany 25 March 1957
Greece 1 January 1981
Hungary 1 May 2004
Ireland 1 January 1973
Italy 25 March 1957
Latvia 1 May 2004
Lithuania 1 May 2004
Luxembourg 25 March 1957
Malta 1 May 2004
Netherlands 25 March 1957
Poland 1 May 2004
Portugal 1 January 1986
Romania 1 January 2007
Slovakia 1 May 2004
Slovenia 1 May 2004
Spain 1 January 1986
Sweden 1 January 1995
UK 1 January 1973
This is a complete list of countries in the EEC. I found it while looking for something else. What I had not realized is how much it, the EEC had grown over the years. These countries are known as the eurozone (as most of them use the euro).
Bulgaria 1 January 2007
Cyprus 1 May 2004
Czech 1 May 2004
Denmark 1 January 1973
Estonia 1 May 2004
Finland 1 January 1995
France 25 March 1957
Germany 25 March 1957
Greece 1 January 1981
Hungary 1 May 2004
Ireland 1 January 1973
Italy 25 March 1957
Latvia 1 May 2004
Lithuania 1 May 2004
Luxembourg 25 March 1957
Malta 1 May 2004
Netherlands 25 March 1957
Poland 1 May 2004
Portugal 1 January 1986
Romania 1 January 2007
Slovakia 1 May 2004
Slovenia 1 May 2004
Spain 1 January 1986
Sweden 1 January 1995
UK 1 January 1973
This is a complete list of countries in the EEC. I found it while looking for something else. What I had not realized is how much it, the EEC had grown over the years. These countries are known as the eurozone (as most of them use the euro).
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Community Charge
I am on the local community committee, as secretary and general distributer of information to our 83 members. Each community (urbanisation) has to have by law an organisation committee and again by law some Spanish administrators to help you in meeting the local law requirements.
The Urbanisation has a common swimming pool, recreational area, private road and internal lighting. All need maintenance and payment for water and electricity. So we have a budget each year set at an AGM. All 83 properties have to pay 1/83rd of this budget, however at least 25% are behind, some individuals have never paid over the 4 years and owe over 1,000 Euros.
So in 2009 our first action was to get rid of the administrators and appoint new ones with a specific mandate of getting the money from these people. The old administrators had no decent records so the committee have spent a lot of time getting 83 addresses, not only our address in Spain but addresses in England , Scotland , Eire and N. Ireland and one in Denmark .
Without these addresses the Administrators could not send out demands. The whole process is slow in Spain and the procedure has to be followed exactly. So far we have recovered 2,000 + Euros but are now taking those who live in Spain full time to court. Everybody signed up to pay these legal fees but now some don’t want to. They never thought it would go to court but it’s going unless they pay up.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
You Could not make it Up (5) Pair refuse River Tees rescue
Two people cut off by the tide at the mouth of the River Tees refused to be rescued, unless the lifeboat also took their collection of driftwood.
After being alerted to the stranded pair, a RNLI crew found that a woman was suffering from mild hypothermia. The pair refused to be taken ashore without the shopping trolley of wood.
As the woman needed medical attention, the crew had to concede, despite the transportation difficulty. The man and woman refused medical assistance, and left the scene in their own vehicle. Police later disposed of the wood in the river.
Monday, 22 February 2010
Weather in Spain Week Feb 15th – 21st 2010
Tuesday: Overcast morning with rain later in the day. Temp 11C. Overnight again overcast with bouts of heavy rain and a temp of 9C.
Thursday: Sunny start that soon gave way to overcast and cloudy weather. Temp 13C. Overnight rain showers. Temp 10C
Friday: Rain all day. Temp 13C. Overnight rain Temp 9C
Saturday: Bright and sunny day with a cold wind . Temp 10C. Overnight temp 7C.
Sunday: Overcast day with he sun trying to break through. Temp 13C. Overnight mild with a temp of 10C.
For an advanced forecast in the area I live in see which is Mercia Airport , our nearest point on this site.
We will not be in our local area for the next 3 weeks so there will be no local weather reports. This blog ‘portion’ will return in full during week 11 of 2010.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
ITV in Spain
I had to take the BMW for its Spanish MOT, called an ITV, this week. It was a bit of an experience.
You drive down a production line stopping at various stations while they check, lights, emissions from the exhaust, brakes and steering and then finally over an inspection pit where they check the chassis. The Beemer failed.
Not on anything they had checked on the production line but on the last bit of the inspection. The engineer looked inside and noticed that my airbag light was on. It was due to a voltage fault not the bags being inactive, but I had failed. Now I had 7 days to have the fault corrected.
Got the electrical engineer out to fix the voltage fault and took it back to the ITV station two days later. It was heaving, with about 30 cars waiting to go down the production line. Luckily the Lady of the Villa asked an engineer, who spoke some english, what we should do and he pointed us to another bay where our fault was examined.
The engineer got in switched off everything and put the ignition on to see all the warning lights “light up” then switched the engine on to see them all go out. This way you cannot just take the bulb out! We had passed. A ten minute wait, again in a queue while all the documentation was produced on a computer and we were off with our valid ITV certificate and a sticker on the screen to prove it. Total cost for the ITV was 35 Euros plus 30 Euros for the voltage correction.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Congratulations to Amy Williams
Amy Williams, a 27-year-old from Cambridge , won an Olympic Gold medal today. I tried to stay up and watch it but it was 3am time in Spain so I missed out. Pity.
Amy’s gold gives Britain ’s its ninth gold medal-winner in Winter Olympics history. The last were the women’s curling team in Salt Lake City and before that came Torvill and Dean. Williams is the first individual gold medal-winner since Robin Cousins in Lake Placid in 1980.
Visitor Figures
Most businesspeople are glad to say ‘goodbye’ to the year of ‘crisis’ that was 2009! Not least the hospitality industry in the Costa Blanca which has announced that visitor figures for dipped to just 74.5 per cent occupancy; the worst that it has experienced in the last twenty years.
According to La Asociación Empresarial Hostelera de la Costa Blanca (HOSBEC), it offers almost 70,000 nights of occupancy, which accounts for around 60 percent of the tourist activity of the Valencian Community. In a year when finances were possibly the most important thing on most holidaymakers’ minds, it may come as no surprise to note that 2 star establishments received a healthy 86.3 percent, whereas those of 4 and 3 stars only reached 50.9 and 57.9, respectively.
Visitor numbers consisted of 48.2 percent of Spaniards and 51.8 of foreigners. The British again make up the most important foreign market with 43 percent of the total of tourists lodged, followed by Dutch 4 per cent and Belgians with 3.2.
Friday, 19 February 2010
A reader of this blog sent me this:
The Spanish government yesterday curbed "millionaire salaries" enjoyed by its air traffic controllers, calling their high rates of pay and benefits "incomprehensible privileges." Public Works Minister Jose Blanco said salaries for the 2,300 air traffic controllers, who are employed by state-run airport management firm AENA, would be cut to the average level in the European Union. "It is not acceptable that a public firm pay millionaire salaries to its employees while the government demands austerity to the rest of Spaniards," Mr. Blanco said after the measure was approved by Cabinet. According to ministry figures, 135 controllers earned more than €600,000 ($878,500 US) per year while 713 earned between €360,000 and €540,000 ($527,000 and $790,000). Agence France-Presse
Thursday, 18 February 2010
You Could not Make it up! (4)
Floor collapses at Weight Watchers meeting
A floor collapsed beneath a group of about 20 members of Weight Watchers as they gathered to compare how many pounds they had shed over Christmas. Members of the weight-loss club were lining up to compare readings on the scales when they heard a bang as the floor came away from the walls of their meeting room in Växjö in southern Sweden.They abandoned the room as the floor started to give way in other areas. No one was injured in the incident, the cause of which is being investigated. The scales were not damaged and the weigh-in continued in a nearby corridor.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Daily Diary
People, mostly friends and relations always ask me what I do now that I am retired. The usual response is "anything I want any time I like". Sounds a bit flippant I know but in all honesty it is true.
The Lady of the Villa, who by the way is younger than me, retired only a year ago and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, only to enticed out of retirement by three ex-colleagues to help run a new venture. She only agreed if she could run her end from Spain and it did not take 5 full days. Watch this space!
So getting back to me, what do I do? Well I could cheat and make it up but I thought to be fair I would do an accurate daily diary. So here goes.
00:00 - 09:30 Asleep. Although I do wake up two or three times a week at 4 or 5 o'clock and get up and potter around, then go back to bed.
09:30 - 11:00 Ablutions, breakfast, reading the newspapers (Times and BBC News on the Internet). Chatting to the Lady of the Villa about today and what is planned.
11:00 - 13:00 Off to do the morning tasks, could be shopping, seeing the Bank, looking for home appliances (currently Plasma/LCD TV, room heater).
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch. Usually soup and/or sandwich in winter. Summer is salads and sandwiches. It can go on for a couple of hours if friends are visiting and we are in the garden
14:00 - 16:00 Usually I cook the next day lunch if its soup and do all the prep work for the evening meal. I also update the blog, surf the internet and read.
16:00 - 18:00 This is the gym time. An hour in the gym, travelling and shower and any bits of shopping to be done.
18:00 - 20:00 Cooking the evening meal, eating it, tidying up and any other things around the home
20:00 - 23:00 Reading, watching DVD's, TV or any other entertainment
23:00 - 00:00 Bed
This is only an example, at a weekend the gym is closed at 16:00 on Saturday so we go early and it is closed on Sunday so we have a lie in and spend the day reading The Sunday Times. We go to Tai Chi (twice a week) and Yoga (once). We go out at least one night a week, usually at the weekend and of course watch Liverpool if they are live on the TV.
Golf days take up an afternoon of morning. And the Lady of the Villa likes to go on walks around the coast and insists that I go with her for company and additional exercise.
The Lady of the Villa, who by the way is younger than me, retired only a year ago and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, only to enticed out of retirement by three ex-colleagues to help run a new venture. She only agreed if she could run her end from Spain and it did not take 5 full days. Watch this space!
So getting back to me, what do I do? Well I could cheat and make it up but I thought to be fair I would do an accurate daily diary. So here goes.
00:00 - 09:30 Asleep. Although I do wake up two or three times a week at 4 or 5 o'clock and get up and potter around, then go back to bed.
09:30 - 11:00 Ablutions, breakfast, reading the newspapers (Times and BBC News on the Internet). Chatting to the Lady of the Villa about today and what is planned.
11:00 - 13:00 Off to do the morning tasks, could be shopping, seeing the Bank, looking for home appliances (currently Plasma/LCD TV, room heater).
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch. Usually soup and/or sandwich in winter. Summer is salads and sandwiches. It can go on for a couple of hours if friends are visiting and we are in the garden
14:00 - 16:00 Usually I cook the next day lunch if its soup and do all the prep work for the evening meal. I also update the blog, surf the internet and read.
16:00 - 18:00 This is the gym time. An hour in the gym, travelling and shower and any bits of shopping to be done.
18:00 - 20:00 Cooking the evening meal, eating it, tidying up and any other things around the home
20:00 - 23:00 Reading, watching DVD's, TV or any other entertainment
23:00 - 00:00 Bed
This is only an example, at a weekend the gym is closed at 16:00 on Saturday so we go early and it is closed on Sunday so we have a lie in and spend the day reading The Sunday Times. We go to Tai Chi (twice a week) and Yoga (once). We go out at least one night a week, usually at the weekend and of course watch Liverpool if they are live on the TV.
Golf days take up an afternoon of morning. And the Lady of the Villa likes to go on walks around the coast and insists that I go with her for company and additional exercise.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Naked in Spain
While looking through some of the ex-pat sites for Spain I came across this - All the public beaches in Spain are free to use, and by law clothing is optional. (The right to be naked in any public place in Spain is a part of the human rights of every person in Spain. This includes: publicly owned beaches, rivers, forests, lakes, even streets and town squares!)
Most nudists/naturists will be found at one end of the public beaches, or to avoid distressing delicate non-nudists will choose one of the many secluded coves for sun-bathing. So, do not be surprised if you see full nudity on any beach, as the braver nudists will not hesitate to sunbathe where-ever they wish.
There are many beaches which have become accepted as "nudist", and it is normal for naturists to use these beaches rather than upsetting the prudish textiles.
If someone complains to the police about your nudity, you will be safe from prosecution unless you are committing an indecent act, the police themselves are liable to civil action should they stop a person nude sun.
I checked this and it’s true.
Most nudists/naturists will be found at one end of the public beaches, or to avoid distressing delicate non-nudists will choose one of the many secluded coves for sun-bathing. So, do not be surprised if you see full nudity on any beach, as the braver nudists will not hesitate to sunbathe where-ever they wish.
There are many beaches which have become accepted as "nudist", and it is normal for naturists to use these beaches rather than upsetting the prudish textiles.
If someone complains to the police about your nudity, you will be safe from prosecution unless you are committing an indecent act, the police themselves are liable to civil action should they stop a person nude sun.
I checked this and it’s true.
Monday, 15 February 2010
Dick Francis - RIP
Dick Francis, who died aged 89 on Sunday 14thFebruary 2010 was one of my favorite writers. He wrote good ‘pulp’, ’page-turners’ most based on National Hunt Racing or ‘over the jumps’. In total he wrote 40 best-selling novels selling in excess of 60 million books worldwide. His first thriller, Dead Cert, I must of read 4 or 5 times.
His most recent works, including Dead Heat and Silks, were co-authored by his son Felix but you could not tell! His last novel again co-written with Felix Francis is due to be published in the autumn. I’ll buy it.
His most recent works, including Dead Heat and Silks, were co-authored by his son Felix but you could not tell! His last novel again co-written with Felix Francis is due to be published in the autumn. I’ll buy it.
US challengers Oracle beat Alinghi to win America's Cup
Challengers BMW Oracle won the 33rd staging of the America's Cup after taking an unassailable 2-0 win over Swiss holders Alinghi.
They clinched the Cup with victory in Sunday's race off the coast of Spain by a margin of more than five minutes. Oracle are the first American team to win the trophy since America3 in 1992.The result has been hailed as a victory for modern design, with the radical 223 ft (68m) wing sail proving to be a massive advantage.
The regatta was originally to have been staged in 2009 but was held up by a lengthy series of court battles, which eventually saw the series take place without the usual challengers' regatta.
The America's Cup, which was first contested in 1851, is the oldest trophy in international sport.
They clinched the Cup with victory in Sunday's race off the coast of Spain by a margin of more than five minutes. Oracle are the first American team to win the trophy since America3 in 1992.The result has been hailed as a victory for modern design, with the radical 223 ft (68m) wing sail proving to be a massive advantage.
The regatta was originally to have been staged in 2009 but was held up by a lengthy series of court battles, which eventually saw the series take place without the usual challengers' regatta.
The America's Cup, which was first contested in 1851, is the oldest trophy in international sport.
Weather in Spain Week Feb 8th – 14th 2010
Monday:Overcast Day. Temp 11C. Overnight clear skies with a temp of 6C.
Tuesday: Sunny day but with a cold wind, temp of 16C. Overnight temp of 8C.
Wednesday: A fine sunny day with the wind abating. Clouds drifted in in the afternoon Temp 13C. Overnight rain temp of 10C.
Thursday: Cloudy start but brighter and sunny in the afternoon. Cold wind kept temp to 11C. Overnight temp of 6C.
Friday: Sunny but cold, with a sharp biting wind. Temp 9C. Overnight temp of 5C. A very cold day and night.
Saturday: Showers all day. Temp 10C. Overnight showers Temp 8C
Sunday: Overcast day afternoon. Rain overnight. Temp in day was 12C. Overnight 8C.
For an advanced forecast in the area I live in see which is Mercia Airport , our nearest point on this site.
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Chinese New Year
Unlike western calendars, the lunar Chinese new year calendar has names that are repeated every 12 years denoted by animals. 2010 is the Chinese year of the Tiger. In particular, this is the year of the Metal Tiger. February 14th 2010 marks the year of the Tiger with its association to bravery. How is Chinese New Year's Day determined?
In one sentence, the Chinese New Year is the second New Moon after the winter solstice. It is based strictly on astronomical observations, and has nothing to do with the Pope, emperors, animals or myths. Due to its scientific and mathematical nature, we can easily and precisely calculate backward or forward for thousands of years.
In one sentence, the Chinese New Year is the second New Moon after the winter solstice. It is based strictly on astronomical observations, and has nothing to do with the Pope, emperors, animals or myths. Due to its scientific and mathematical nature, we can easily and precisely calculate backward or forward for thousands of years.
Valentines Day
Saint Valentine (in Latin, Valentinus) is the name of several martyred saints of ancient Rome . The feast of St. Valentine was first established in 496 by Pope Gelasius I, who included Valentine among those "... whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God." As Gelasius implied, nothing was known, even then, about the lives of any of these martyrs. The Saint Valentine that appears in various connections with February 14 is described as,a priest in Rome or a bishop or a martyr in Africa
The sending of Valentines was a fashion in nineteenth-century Great Britain . The popularity of Valentine cards grew in the twentieth century, where many Valentine cards are now general greeting cards rather than declarations of love.
In Spain Valentine's Day is known as "San ValentÃn" and is celebrated the same way as in the U.K, although in Catalonia it is largely superseded by similar festivities of rose and/or book giving on La Diada de Sant Jordi (Saint George's Day).
Saturday, 13 February 2010
You could Not make it Up (3)
Two Liverpool fans were taken to court after police allegedly deemed their chants of “Yanks Out” against the club’s controversial owners as “racist.” The fans were hauled off the streets by officers during a peaceful protest against the American multi-millionaires Tom Hicks and George Gillett before the Liverpool game against Arsenal at Anfield in mid-December.
They were taken to a police station, kept for six hours, before being charged with “an offence of public order.” A month later, at court the Crown Prosecution Service immediately withdrew their case due to a perceived lack of evidence.
Friday, 12 February 2010
Fat Cat MP charged (You could not make it Up)
David Chaytor MP is to have criminal charges brought against him for false expenses claims. The Bury MP, claimed a total of £12,925 for his rent payments (on a flat he owned) between September 2005 and August 2006.He stopped the claims for rent when he bought another flat in the same block using a mortgage. While keeping the original flat, he told the Commons his new property was his second home. This flipping of homes meant he could claim more than £11,000 in stamp duty and legal fees on his new purchase.
In August 2007 he began claiming rent for another property he had designated as his second home. This cottage belonged to his mother Olive, who had moved into a care home because she had Alzheimer’s disease. The Commons had introduced new rules in July 2006 preventing MPs from claiming expenses on properties rented from relatives. Nonetheless, Chaytor claimed a total of £5,400 over the six months that he rented the flat from his mother. The relationship would not have been obvious to the Commons authorities as his mother, who died last year, had remarried and used the surname Trickett.
January 2004 Chaytor pays off mortgage on Westminster flat
September 2005 Flips second home to the flat and claims £12,925 in “rent”
September 2006 Buys another flat in same block and flips second home. Claims £11,500 in stamp duty and legal fees
August 2007 Flips second home to mother’s Bury cottage and claims £5,400 in “rent”
February 2008 Flips second home to Todmorden and claims £1,500 for furnishings
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Amazon Profits
This is from the BBC Financial news website – “Web retail giant Amazon saw fourth quarter earning surge 71 per cent thanks to a strong holiday season and heavy demand for its electronic book reader. Amazon said sales of electronics and general merchandise were particularly strong. International sales, representing the company's UK site were up 49 per cent.”
I was one of those who helped increase their sales. During December I had plenty of time for Christmas shopping, I was in the UK and could actually shop, especially in Liverpool One. So armed with a list off I went. I could not find anything electronic, that I wanted. Clothes, yes, Hardback books, yes, Toiletries, yes. I eventually found an IPOD touch (in John Lewis). Anything else electronic no. So after a fruitless day on the electronic side, I sat by the PC and ordered all the rest from Amazon, delivered within 2 days.
If retailers had a bad time over the Christmas period they can only blame themselves for not having the stock in the shops.
I was one of those who helped increase their sales. During December I had plenty of time for Christmas shopping, I was in the UK and could actually shop, especially in Liverpool One. So armed with a list off I went. I could not find anything electronic, that I wanted. Clothes, yes, Hardback books, yes, Toiletries, yes. I eventually found an IPOD touch (in John Lewis). Anything else electronic no. So after a fruitless day on the electronic side, I sat by the PC and ordered all the rest from Amazon, delivered within 2 days.
If retailers had a bad time over the Christmas period they can only blame themselves for not having the stock in the shops.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Polaris World on the Brink
Polaris World build large urbanizations around a golf course and have 4 or 5 ‘Worlds’ within an hours travel of the Villa. We initially looked into buying a property with hem, but, all the locations were well away from towns or villages so you had to live in their ‘world’. Their restaurants, shops, TV, rules etc. Not for us.
Polaris World is now facing debts of up to 100-million euros and that at least 15 businesses within the Polaris World Group of companies were in a state of insolvency, however, a ‘last chance ‘deal on the debt is now on the table. Polaris World, Spain ’s second largest residential property builder, is believed to be close to reaching agreements with a number of creditors, which will allow it to avoid having to suspend payments.
During discussions the company has managed to pay Murcia town hall, 9 million euros. Bank guarantees for the Condado de Alhama golf resort and its accompanying 3,000 properties were used as collateral for the payment.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Flying PIIGS
I follow the stock market, in a minor way. The Lady of the Villa allows me some money to ‘invest’. In doing so, I came across this story, which struck me as an example of political correctness gone a bit mad. Here’s the background: Greece and Portugal have been grouped in an acronym, PIIGS, which stands for Portugal , Italy , Ireland , Greece & Spain .
Apparently, one PC correct soul at Barclay’s Capital took offense to the use of PIIGS to refer to those Mediterranean countries and banned the use internally. Bloomberg the finance brokers, wrote a piece on this with the awesome headline, ‘At Barclay’s Capital, PiiGS No Longer Fly.’ Unfortunately, another PC correct soul at Bloomberg must have taken offense and updated the online headline in the piece it to this:
Swine Acronym Ordered Out of Barclay’s Reports (Bloomberg, Feb. 5, 2010 )
The securities unit of London-based Barclays Plc told analysts yesterday not to use the acronym for Portugal , Italy , Ireland , Greece and Spain in notes to clients, according to a memo obtained by Bloomberg News.
The PIIGS nickname has grown increasingly popular in the last month as investors dumped assets in the euro zone’s smaller economies on concern the countries will struggle to control budget deficits.
Monday, 8 February 2010
Weather in Spain Week 5 Feb 1st – 7th 2010
Monday: Sunny and bright day with a cold wind. Temp 11C. Overnight clear skies with a temp of 6C.
Tuesday: Another bright and sunny with a cold wind. Temp 10C. Overnight clear skies with a temp of 5C.
Wednesday: Bright and sunny. Temp 15C. Overnight temp of 8C.
Thursday: Overcast day with rain in the late morning and afternoon. Temp 13C. Rain gave way to a nice sunny evening Overnight temp 9C
Friday: Hottest day of the year so far 21C. Sunshine all day. Overnight 12C.
Saturday: Another beautiful day. Temp 18C. Overnight 8C.
Sunday: Sunny day but with a coldish wind. Temp 17C. Overnight cloudy. Temp 10C.
For an advanced forecast in the area I live in see which is Mercia Airport, our nearest point on this site
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Americas Cup in Valencia Spain 8th February
The best-of-three race series for the 33rd America ’s Cup is due to begin next week in Valencia . There is little doubt at all that, whatever happens on the water, the eventual winners will probably be decided in the New York courts. What is absolutely beyond question is that the series — maybe just two races — will be the most expensive test of pride in the history of sport.
The 33rd America’s Cup is more a battle of design and budget. Never before has the event seen two such radical craft: A total of nearly £100m has been spent on the design and construction of the two radical new boats. No details of expenditure have been released by either team but Oracle’s mighty 190ft wing sail is reported to have cost a scarcely credible £3m alone.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
After missing all of the NFL games on TV last season and this season, I can, thanks to the BBC have an American Football fix. The BBC is a terrestrial partner of the NFL in the UK, and will show live coverage of Super Bowl XLIV from Miami, Florida tomorrow. The Lady of the Villa is not pleased! She hates American Football.
I will be supporting New Orleans.
I will be supporting New Orleans.
Friday, 5 February 2010
Santander Profits increase 30% in UK
SANTANDER, the Spanish financial giant, will revealed this week that its three British banks have seen a 30% jump in profits.
Abbey, Alliance & Leicester and Bradford & Bingley made about £1.5 billion last year. Santander has been one of the big winners in the credit crunch, escaping losses on American sub-prime mortgages. Full-year figures for the Spanish parent are expected to show pre-tax profits of about €11 billion (£9.5 billion).
However, analysts remain concerned that Santander will be caught up in the problems of Spain ’s domestic economy. BBVA, its rival, last week revealed a 16% drop in profits after bigger-than-expected provisions on commercial property deals.
Emilio Botin, Santander ’s chairman, has said he expects the bank to match last year’s record profits. It looks set on expansion and is seeking to buy 300 branches put up for sale by Royal Bank of Scotland .
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Eurozone unemployment rate hits 10% Spain's is 19%
The unemployment rate in Spain has increased to 19.5%.Unemployment in the 16 countries that use the euro hit 10% in December for the first time since the single currency was introduced in 1999.
Spain continues to have the highest rate in the eurozone - rising to 19.5% in December. Some 21% of under-25s in the eurozone were unemployed in December 2009, with Spain suffering the highest rate of all, at 44.5%.Separate figures released by the country's National Statistics Institute show that in the final three months of 2009, 4.33 million people were unemployed in Spain .
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Euro Rate over last three years
January 2007 1.50687 EUR
June 2007 1.48036 EUR
December 2007 1.38419 EUR
January 2008 1.3386 EUR
June 2008 1.26366 EUR
December 2008 1.09921 EUR
January 2009 1.08962 EUR
June 2009 1.1674 EUR
December 2009 1.11153 EUR
In the area I live in, which I call “Little Brittan” it means a lot. Most of the people in the area are British and they rely upon pensions and savings from the UK . Many, like us, move money across on a regular basis. So far it cost one-third more since January 2007 to live in Spain .
To the locals, both Spanish and British it means less to go around, villas cost more to buy to a Brit, so prices are dropping. Restaurants and bars are closing as people stay in more (a bottle of wine is 5 Euros in a bar, same wine 2 euros from a super market). Establishments that close lay off the staff, usually Brits, and they leave. Less people less money more places close down. This is the cycle we are now encountering in Spain .
The Spanish who rushed to the booming building industry are now unemployed as builders shut up shop leaving property half finished. Areas of land marked out with roads but no housing. Some Spanish ‘builders’ have returned to farming displacing eastern Europeans who filled their places. They get paid less, so less money in the economy.
The eastern Europeans are not returning home but try to get unemployment benefit here in Spain , no where near as easy as in the UK . So lots of charity organisations supply food parcels.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Rafael Benitez denies Juventus agreement
Rafa Benitez has issued a statement dismissing reports he is to join Juventus while reaffirming his commitment to the Reds. Several Italian newspapers claimed the Spaniard had agreed terms to take over at the Turin giants in the summer. But in a statement, sought to quash the continued speculation.
"Contrary to reports in the Italian media this weekend, I want to make it absolutely clear I have no agreement with Juventus," Benitez said.
"I have not and will not be meeting Juventus or their representatives or any other club.
"I have a long-term contract with Liverpool and I'll repeat what I said on Friday that I am happy here and my only focus is to do my job as well as I can to get the team back into to the top four, beginning with the derby against Everton."
Let us hope it is true, especially the final sentence
Spain Recession to Continue In 2010
On the same day as the UK announced it has formerly exited the recession, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have confirmed that Spain will remain in recession throughout 2010, with low growth forecast for 2011.
The International Monetary Fund, IMF, still thinks Spain will be the only developed country to show no growth in 2010, expecting it to shrink by 0.6%.
There is increasing concern in particular over the level of property related debt in the construction industry that is currently estimated at over 320€ billion.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Books Read in January 2010
The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown. Just like his others this is a fast moving pacey novel. Typical DB with lots of twists and turns and unexpected plot changes. However, that said, it seems to be written as a film script short chapters with lots of cutting back to other threads. Also the ending was disappointing. No spoiler on what it was but for me it just fizzled out after a hectic story. 4 Stars.
The Third Twin – Ken Follet. I like KF his Pillars of the Earth and World without End are stormers. This is a more modern based novel that was well researched and well written but the plot was obvious and long winded. Not one of his best. 2 Stars.
Deep Black - Andy McNabb – I must admit I am a fan of his and enjoy his books. This one of the Nick Stone series covers a huge timeline in the Bosnia and Iraq wars. Can’t say everyone would enjoy it but being a fan I did. Can’t understand why there are 102 very small chapters! 3 Stars.
Knots and Crosses – Ian Rankin. This is the first Inspector Rebus novel (although he starts of as a Sergeant) and my first read of any Ian Rankin book. A Serial killer with a grudge against Rebus with enough twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. Enjoyed it a lot and will be getting the second book in the series (of 20)! 3 Stars.
Get Her Off The Pitch – Lynn Truss. The author of Eats, Shoots and Leaves does it again. Totally entertaining book about her time as a sports journalist with the Times. Funny, well observed and well written. A pleasure to read, got to be 5 Stars.
Weather in Spain Week 4 Jan 25th – 31st 2010
Monday: Bright start with a few clouds around. Became cloudier with showers later. Temp 9C. Overnight rain temp 6C.
Tuesday: High winds and driving rain all day. Temp 7C. Overnight cold and cloudy. Temp 5C.
Wednesday: Overcast and cold with occasional showers. Temp 8C. Overnight overcast with showers temp 6C.
Thursday: Bright and sunny day with a temp of 17C. Overnight clear but cold temp 6C.
Friday: Bright and sunny all day temp 16C. Overnight clear skies temp 7C.
Saturday: Another beautiful sunny day with clear skies and a temp of 17C. Overnight again clear skies but cold. Temp 6C
Sunday: 4th sunny and clear day on the run. Temp 16C. Overnight cold 5C
Tuesday: High winds and driving rain all day. Temp 7C. Overnight cold and cloudy. Temp 5C.
Wednesday: Overcast and cold with occasional showers. Temp 8C. Overnight overcast with showers temp 6C.
Thursday: Bright and sunny day with a temp of 17C. Overnight clear but cold temp 6C.
Friday: Bright and sunny all day temp 16C. Overnight clear skies temp 7C.
Saturday: Another beautiful sunny day with clear skies and a temp of 17C. Overnight again clear skies but cold. Temp 6C
Sunday: 4th sunny and clear day on the run. Temp 16C. Overnight cold 5C
For an advanced forecast in the area I live in see which is Mercia Airport , our nearest point on this site
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